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Paperback Details
  • 01/2023
  • 978-0-6456284-0-1
  • 204 pages
  • $16.95
Fiona Jefferies
Say Anything
When your friend gets diagnosed with a serious illness. When your colleague is going through a messy divorce. When your neighbour makes a racist or homophobic remark. There are so many moments in life when you feel stunned, shocked, saddened, or baffled, and simply don’t know what to say. Your mind goes blank and you can’t find the right words. This book is for moments like those. Say Anything is a guide on what to say and how to say it. Organised from A to Z, this book covers Ageing, Body, Commitments, Disasters, all the way to Zealots, providing tips on how to handle hundreds of tricky scenarios. Inside, you’ll find just the right words for all kinds of difficult, sensitive, and awkward conversations. You’ll also find advice on when to say nothing when to listen more than you speak, and what not to say when someone is stressed or grieving (“Oh, you know, everything happens for a reason…”) A helpful and big-hearted book that is sensible, helpful, and strewn with hilarious anecdotes that will have you laughing so hard you spit out your beverage and gasp for air. Author Fiona Jefferies has a rare gift for discussing life’s most painful moments with humour and great humanity. DO read this book if you enjoy learning about communication, boundaries, and how to speak up and handle messy situations with empathy and care. DO NOT read this book if you are deeply offended by curse words, if you are uptight and hate laughter and merriment, or if you have a great fondness for Donald Trump.

Semi Finalist

Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 10 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 9.00 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Say Anything is a creative, hilarious, and practical guide to knowing what to say (or not say) during trying and/or awkward conversations. The concept is novel, yet the author's witty prose will draw the reader in, making them feel as though they are getting the advice of a close friend.

Prose: While there are moments when the humor walks the fine line between 'done' and "overdone,' Jefferies ultimately succeeds at a very hard thing: balancing that humor with genuine empathy, a feat that she effectively translates into advice for readers.

Originality: Say Anything hatches a totally original concept – one that goes beyond the confines of pure humor into social commentary and, in moments, even activism.

Character/Execution: While some of the humor becomes heavy-handed, this slim volume packs a big punch. At a time of great polarization, Jefferies finds a common humanity, acknowledging the challenges of navigating social interactions while advocating for empathy and understanding.

Blurb: Jefferies' Say Anything is a sharp, witty, hilarious, and heartfelt guide for anyone who has ever found themselves tongue-tied in an awkward, hard, or otherwise problematic situation. 


Date Submitted: January 20, 2024

Paperback Details
  • 01/2023
  • 978-0-6456284-0-1
  • 204 pages
  • $16.95
