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Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • B0060VH69G
  • 266 pages
  • $2.99
Scars on the Face of God: The Devil's Bible
Chris Bauer, author
Hex signs protect the town's barns and outbuildings. A local tannery spews poison on land and in the river. And babies disappear at birth. Wump Hozer, an orphan and one-time felon who earned his nickname from the sound a crowbar makes when it hits a man’s head, is the custodian of Our Lady of the Innocents parish in Three Bridges, PA. Wump fought all his life against the tannery’s waste, against God, and against the blind eyes of his good neighbors. Childhood memories and strange presentments plague him when a brick wall unearthed at the site of a new restaurant collapses and raw sewage carries hundreds of bones into the pit left behind. It looks like the Devil has made Three Bridges his new playground; a blasphemous bible will tell Wump why.
Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • B0060VH69G
  • 266 pages
  • $2.99
