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e-book Details
  • 02/2019
  • 306 pages
  • $4.99
Willow Thomson
Seeds of Change

Introverted, intuitive healer, Jada "Jey" Grey has nothing left to lose. After all, her skills and knowledge couldn’t save her mother from a manmade virus. And now in 2071, with the heat index reaching crippling levels on Earth, Jey is barely coping. But when she stumbles upon an opportunity to launch from Earth, she feels compelled to go.

The mission—to create a new colony on an unexplored exoplanet—fits right in with Jey’s dreams. Her friendship with a clairvoyant child onboard the ship, her growing empathic abilities, and her attempts at love spark an unfamiliar hope.

But when a rival corporation sabotages their ship, and their target planet is a wasteland, Jey finds herself at the center of the conflict. Now, she must set aside her old self-destructive patterns and take a leap into a new way of being—and seeing. Her connection to the seeds and plants changes everything. Can she convince the other colonists that her clairvoyant vision is exactly what they need?


Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 9 out of 10
Prose: 7 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 8.00 out of 10


Plot: People have destroyed Earth and two very different groups head to colonize a new planet, one good, one greedy. But some of people can commune with nature, with seeds, plants and the planet itself, which is an intriguing and refreshing concept. The planet is none too happy about the greedy group’s mining intentions.

Prose/Style:This book boasts solid prose for the genre, with riveting and energizing action descriptions. The author also makes good use of creative verbs. There is quite a bit of nice, character appropriate dialogue.

Originality: Take a basic “colonizing a new planet because we’ve killed Earth” plot and then add aspects of homeopathy remedies and intuitiveness and you have a very different book from most. The family and relationship angles are well crafted and give the story a familiar feel, even though it is set on another planet in the future.

Character Development: Readers will very much enjoy the main characters and their budding romance among the stars. Intricate details like the alternative healing powers of Jey, along with the communications with plants and rocks that she shares with one of the children, make the characters very interesting and add another layer to the story.

Date Submitted: June 17, 2019

e-book Details
  • 02/2019
  • 306 pages
  • $4.99
