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Tinamarie Cox
Self-Destruction in Small Doses
Sometimes big things come in little packages. Self-Destruction in Small Doses is a chapbook-length collection of micro poems, with each poem consisting of 150 characters or less. Despite their short length, every poem packs a punch. Cox’s debut chapbook is a small peek into her personal struggle with anxiety, depression, and trauma recovery. Her constant battle against self-sabotaging behaviors. Each poem advances the journey through a self-destructive cycle she struggles to break free from. Through these pages, readers briefly experience the cascading effects of listening to intrusive thoughts. Navigating mental health issues can be complicated and this collection is brimming with messy emotions. There is anger and seeking comfort in chaos, destroying relationships in favor of false safety in isolation, feelings of guilt and deep sadness, and searching for a path toward healing. The conclusion is: she remains a work in progress. Content Warning: This collection may be triggering for readers sensitive to topics related to mental health issues and self-destructive behaviors which include but are not limited to self-harm and suicidal ideation.
