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helmut schonwalder
Sepp: America and The West
Sepp’s Epic Perils & Pitfalls is a lengthy saga and goes the whole gamut of tales about war, refugees, money, sex, religion, apartheid, food and other very common issues, such as the many faces of addiction and a spiritual awakening. The story starts in Sudetenland and via Frankenland, Hamburg, Andalusia, South Africa and Kansas City, Sepp arrives in California. The Sepp books are about an ordinary kid. We get to know Sepp’s growing up, at times ill-advised, half-witted, developing equally both good and bad habits and an extraordinary quickness and keenness of mind. In Book#5 America & The West it is all about our Sepp, hardworking, risk taking and living what he considers the good life in California. Sepp believes in the power of money, because without really doing much, except risking jail or prison, by bending some rules, and being at the right time at the right place, he has money coming his way wherever he goes. Sepp forms a California Corporation, and is investing in properties. He is spending money freely to buy some happiness. Bad habits and living an excessive, extravagant exaggerating lifestyle puts a sudden stop to Sepp’s success. Can Sepp’s Guardian Angel help him once more, once again?
