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Hardcover Details
  • 12/2021
  • 9781919648705
  • 300 pages
  • $18.80
Hedley Griffin
Author, Illustrator
Serventa, Shadow of the Light
A fantasy, offering knowledge and wisdom from a unique spiritual source in an entertaining story based on old mythology about the Loch Ness monster. One cold, miserable night on a Scottish beach Serventa is met by Beira, Queen of the Winter, and is challenged in a confrontation that eventually takes Beira home to the Light, but meanwhile the Storm Kelpies, the Blue Men of the Minch, also witness the event and want to cause trouble. Serventa is then given the task of rescuing Nessa, one of Beira's handmaidens, also a kelpie, who is chained beneath Loch Ness. Serventa finds Nessa and offers to help release her from the bondage imposed by Beira as a reprisal for harming her, caused by Nessa's negligence. Serventa cannot release Nessa from this bondage, only by setting her a series of seven tasks, each one to take place in a succession of separate lives. Each incarnation then builds up her strength enough to break the bond set by Beira and release her from the Loch.
Hardcover Details
  • 12/2021
  • 9781919648705
  • 300 pages
  • $18.80
