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Ebook Details
  • 09/2019
  • 978-1-7338898-0-3
  • 298 pages
  • $15.99
Sam Polakoff
Sam Polakoff, author
Dan Alston questioned his sanity. A successful businessman and US senator, his entire life had been plagued by strange voices and visions. The episodes were ambiguous and easily ignored. But on his 50th birthday, during a climb in the Andes, Dan Alston is involuntarily transported on a spiritual journey and shown something horrifying; an environmental apocalypse. Dan learns he is experiencing episodes from another lifetime, a lifetime from which he has been reincarnated and once lived as a shaman during the Inca Empire. His chief of staff, Talia Clayton, tries to help him understand the meaning of his experience and to fight his demons, both real and perceived. ​ While he struggles to make sense of his predicament, Dan and Talia cross paths with ancient forces reborn to hasten the Earth’s destruction by weaponizing climate change. In a race against time, Dan Alston must summon his innate courage to save the planet from an apocalyptic end. Shaman is the story of a man who thought he knew what serving his country meant until he discovered his true purpose and the power required to fulfill it.
Ebook Details
  • 09/2019
  • 978-1-7338898-0-3
  • 298 pages
  • $15.99
