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Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2018
  • 9780995292147
  • 340 pages
  • $20.95
Nicholas Kinsey
Shipwrecked Lives
The Empress of Ireland passenger liner collided with the Norwegian collier Storstad in the St. Lawrence River on a foggy night in May 1914, sinking in 14 minutes and claiming the lives of 1,012 people. This is the story of the survivors and the failed government inquiry into Canada's worst maritime disaster that led to an eventual whitewash. It is based on the actual testimony of witnesses at the Commission of Inquiry, which was presided over by Lord Mersey, the gruff and opinionated British jurist and politician. Lord Mersey had led the investigation into the Titanic and the Lusitania disasters, but was sorely tested by the Empress Inquiry. It tells the story of the ruined captain of the passenger liner, the woman who survived the disaster and tried unsuccessfully to claim the body of her disfigured son, the Rimouski fisherman whose job was to search the debris field for the bodies of the victims, the Norwegians who were quickly condemned by the press, the shysters and wagon-chasers who fraudulently claimed insurance policies on next of kin, and the government inquiry which pitted a multinational transport industry giant against a tiny Norwegian coal-hauling firm. This is book three in Kinsey's series of outstanding historical fiction novels.

"Excellent book," 5-stars, Goodreads review, May 2019..

"This book offered a fascinating look into a shipwreck that occurred in Canada in 1914. I liked that the author focused on characters from all the different sides of the disaster and its aftermath. I also appreciated all the historical details woven into the story." Goodreads review.

"I find that stories having a factual basis are the most interesting, especially if the author can weave a believable story around the facts. As was done here. I did not know the story of this shipwreck, and that more lives were lost than in the Titanic, especially so soon after, shows how much the powers-that-be were able to downplay the facts surrounding this horrible incident. No doubt not having an excess of high-profile passengers had something to do with that. This was a story that had to be told." 5-stars, Goodreads review, January 2019.

Norwegian American Journal

"From the very first lines, Kinsey skillfully crafts his novel. We are drawn into the lives of the individuals on the Empress, passengers confused and frightened when loud blasts of the ship's whistle sound and the ship begins to list, then rapidly sink. He weaves the story between the disaster itself and what follows with the survivors in a courtroom as lawyers and witnesses try to unravel the cause of the collision. Kinsey has written a historical novel that is impossible to put down. I found that the transitions from survivor story to courtroom events held my interest from start to finish." Rosalie Grosch, The Norwegian American Journal.

Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2018
  • 9780995292147
  • 340 pages
  • $20.95
