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Paperback Details
  • 08/2023
  • 979-8-88683-187-0
  • 46 pages
  • $$12.00
ebook Details
  • 08/2023
  • 979-8-88683-760-5
  • 46 pages
  • $$7.00
K. M. Carter
K. M. Carter, author
Shortz is a collection of short stories with a moral attached. What would you do if you were granted the power to change your past and live your life over again? Would you squander it again or change for the better. Several people get this chance when granted a “Replay” of their lives in a collection of short stories. Others include a woman who suddenly wins the lottery but has to fight for what she won and a woman who reflects on her life as she sits dying. All of these compelling stories have an important lesson to teach about the frailty of life and the consequences of our actions.
Paperback Details
  • 08/2023
  • 979-8-88683-187-0
  • 46 pages
  • $$12.00
ebook Details
  • 08/2023
  • 979-8-88683-760-5
  • 46 pages
  • $$7.00
