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Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2017
  • 9780956788757 B077MW4Y5B
  • 402 pages
  • $19.99
Reena Kumarasingham
Shrouded Truth: Biblical Revelations Through Past Life Journeys

Adult; Other Nonfiction; (Market)

Shrouded Truth takes readers on a fascinating journey through the past life memories of eight souls who experienced lives during the biblical period. Emotional, and at times, dramatic, readers are given an insight into the turbulent times and fascinating experiences of those closest to Jesus. Shrouded Truth reveals little known events and information of what happened before, during and after the crucifixion. Compounded with well known oral tradition and documentary evidence, Shrouded Truth provides information that will challenge previously held beliefs about the biblical era, and offers yet another perspective to this timeless story.
D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

Shrouded Truth – Biblical Revelations through Past Life Journeys walks the path of enlightenment through Biblical references that follow the lives and messages of James, Paul, Mary Magdalene, Thomas, and others; and is a highly recommended pick for Biblical scholars from novices to advanced thinkers.

By reviewing these lives and their impact and messages on spiritual thinking, Reena Kumarasingham provides a direct connection between how and why these people evolved as they did and God's greater purpose.

If this was the only approach supporting Shrouded Truth's contentions, it would be effective in and of itself. There's a lot more going on than biographical reflection alone. The information presented herein has been obtained not through studying Biblical events but by including information received from sessions of past life regression.  Therapist/author Kumarasingham has become an expert in the field, training Regression Therapists around the world in the techniques and possibilities of working with past life information.

The story of Jesus Christ, when viewed from the typical scholarly and religious angles, is already notable; but when imbibed with insights gained from past life regression work, it is particularly insightful: especially, here, where eight different people unrelated to one another contribute their versions of Biblical events and their meaning.

By now it should be evident that one prerequisite for appreciation of Shrouded Truth's focus and contents is an acceptance of past life regression. The memories presented herein popped up over a four-year period in different parts of the world and were experienced by common people who had no prior connection with each other or with Biblical scholarship.

This fact is, perhaps, one of Shrouded Truth's greatest strengths, because it's hard to refute or ignore the kinds of insights and connections that dovetail so neatly and explicitly in this coverage. Through serendipity and possibly determined spiritual effort, these disparate individuals came to Kumarasingham's attention: thus, this book.

A second big plus to Kumarasingham's approach is her attention to blending known, proven facts about the times with these past live experiences. This makes for far more than a collection of impressions and ideas, linking historical fact to the new information: "…it is not far-fetched to think that James had a commercial network and a small fleet of trading boats that travelled to England. Although the area was not called ‘England’ during the Bibilical period, the memories were being filtered through Mia’s current-life vocabulary, hence her use of terms from the current times. As is mentioned by Isabel Hill Elder, ‘It is not by mere chance that Arimathean Joseph became acquainted with Cornish tin and Somerset lead mining, for as a Prince of the House of David, Joseph was aware that his kinsmen of the tribe of Asher had made Cornwall famous for the prized metal.’ Again, this implies that the family of Jesus was an important, well-to-do family."

The result is a unique blend of historical fact, verbatim chronicles from past life regression narratives, and new perspectives on Biblical events that intrigues and invites debate from Biblical scholars.

Shrouded Truth is a unique, highly recommended Biblical study that should be included in any serious historical and cultural examination of Jesus' life and times.

Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2017
  • 9780956788757 B077MW4Y5B
  • 402 pages
  • $19.99
