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Mark Seiler
Sighing Woman Tea
Mark Seiler, author
In this seriocomic novel, a large corporation tries to take control and threaten the traditional way of life in a tiny tea-producing island nation. Viridis, also known as Green Island, is a tiny fictional nation founded in the 12th century by a mixed-race crew whose ship was blown off course while returning from Canton. Thomas Burke, descendant of an island founder, left home to pursue a career in mathematics, specializing in prediction theory; Viridians call him “Figas,” patois for “Figures.” Now, a foundation director has tapped him to return and warn the gentle islanders that Viridis’ tea—more expensive per ounce than gold—is in danger of attracting greedy attention. When an occupying force takes over Viridis, Figas and the locals face an enormous challenge: how to find an island way of protecting themselves. They call on sacrifice, patience, showmanship, and the spirit of the island—and readers will join the cheering section.
