Plot: Sirens of Memory is a fast-paced, well plotted novel about trauma, recovery, and identity. The storyline spans decades and continents, but is ultimately seamless.
Prose/Style: Guha’s prose is clear and direct, while also maintaining a poetic streak. The novel details multiple POVs, all of which are distinct and emotional.
Originality: Guha sets Mariam’s escape from her abusive husband against her escape from her war-torn homeland. The two journeys complement each other well, especially when Mariam realizes her past has caught up with her in America.
Character/Execution: The heart of this novel lies with protagonist Mariam, a woman who finds a way to survive her abusive spouse, and then a war, when she finds out she’s pregnant. There’s an honesty to Mariam’s strengths and weaknesses that will resonate with readers. Mariam’s husbands, Tareq and Raj, are both vividly painted and well-rounded characters as well.
Date Submitted: June 30, 2020
"Guha writes with authority and grace, intrepidly tackling life's harshest realities and warmest hopes in this tour-de-force thriller."
"A gripping psychological thriller about the real horror that can come from the people you let in while also hitting the sweet spot between page turner and searing authenticity."