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Dave Kwan
Dave Kwan, author


SMALL TOWN BOY is a memoir, a book about my life growing up in the village of Tweed, in Eastern Ontario. The book is chronological in nature and includes personal experiences and events. What’s it like to grow up in a small Canadian village for a kid who is a visible minority? This is a story that needs to be told. This is my story! The story of an ethnic kid of Canadian-Chinese background that grew up in the small village of Tweed, Ontario, during the fifties, sixties, and seventies. I believe my experiences of living in Tweed can offer a perspective to complement the other accounts of small-town Canadian life. A mosaic of accounts that are both interesting and colourful. Our family included Dad, Mom, and me. I had no siblings, just me as the only child. Both my parents have passed away from Cancer, my Mom in 1984, and my Dad in 1986. With both parents gone, and no brothers or sisters, there is no one else alive that can tell my story. 

Growing up in a small village in eastern Ontario seemed like the quintessential Canadian experience. There's something special, perhaps even magical about having grown up in a small town.

