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Songs of Lost Things: Sonata for the Sun
In this coming-of-age narrative, Lavender Adair—a budding and musically gifted teenager—navigates adolescence within her tumultuous home life and equally chaotic Newark city neighborhood. Her father is her pillar and prods Lavender to focus on music and education and none of the typical distractions of their surroundings. However, Lavender will find herself having to deal with complex family affairs, hardship, and surprising turns. When she rises to conquer these obstacles as a young girl, what pieces of herself will she sacrifice to survive? Will she emerge later in life from a difficult past as a whole and unbroken woman? Or, will the shadows from those arduous years and the mental exercises Lavender performed to endure them follow her, blocking her ability to see and accept love and opportunity when they enter her world? Even when those come in the unexpected form of a younger man whose warmth and engaging spirit draw her in and remind her of the things she's lost? Follow this raw and realistic journey of the human experience. It is an emotional ride that focuses on facing trauma, losing oneself, and eventually finding self-love and an open heart once more.
