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Ebook Details
  • 04/2020
  • 978-1977225764 1977225764
  • 342 pages
  • $4.99
Special Means
'CIA agents must play catch-up in time to stop powerful men in Homeland Security and the Defense Department from staging the overthrow of the President and his administration!' Riveting! Escalating gang violence in Denver, Colorado, and in other large cities in the nation captures the attention of the first term President. He wants a solution, and he wants it NOW. Legislation would take years. The Director of Homeland Security suggests that the remedy to the deteriorating situation may be a highly classified program deep within the charter of the Federal Emergency Management Agency-FEMA, known as Annex K. This deep-black program, nicknamed STARDUST, would be executed beneath the heaviest cloak of utmost secrecy and without the informed consent of Congress. When the CIA sends Agent Dave McClure to Denver to investigate inexplicable lethal violence being waged with advanced military weaponry against organized street gangs, McClure discovers that what has been unleashed is a sinister solution far worse than the problem. He unearths a nightmarish plot to do much more than eliminate gangs in America - rather, an attempt to seize the military district of Washington and overthrow the federal government. McClure's own life is now at especially high risk. The CIA must act quickly and with overwhelming force. The clock is ticking!
E.D., SP Editorial Reviews, June 8, 2020

“A disturbingly relevant and poignant novel that feels ripped from today’s headlines.”

"Author Andrew Ceroni pens a disturbingly relevant and poignant novel with SPECIAL MEANS, centering on a near-future dystopia with a conspiracy that feels ripped from today’s headlines. Intergovernmental deception, police brutality, unhinged greed, and hierarchical cruelty take center stage in this chilling story. The premise feels more journalistic than hypothetical, while the writing itself displays a strong and confident voice from start to finish. A morally conflicted protagonist creates a number of secondary conflicts that force readers to think about their own ideologies. As a whole, this is a visceral, thought-provoking and timely book that blurs the boundary between fiction and prediction."

K.C. Finn, Readers' Favorite, May 10, 2020

"SPECIAL MEANS Is a High-Octane Thrill Ride" K.C. Finn, Readers' Favorite, May 10, 2020
When a somewhat naïve first-term president accepts an offer from covert ops to help him eliminate gang violence, one brave CIA agent is about to discover that this solution hides agendas that are far worse than the original problem. What results is a high-octane thrill ride as Agent Dave McClure investigates a deep-black program and finds a conspiracy that could topple American civilization as we know it, and end his life in the process.

Author Andrew Ceroni has crafted a superb and highly enjoyable thrill ride which encompasses all the core ingredients of a truly gripping thriller tale. The complexity of the plot is impressive, and the audience gets the right exposition at the right time, deepening the mystery but balancing the pace of the action so that there's never a dull moment. SPECIAL MEANS is a well-crafted and superbly paced thriller novel that I would highly recommend for military, suspense, and conspiracy fiction fans alike. 5 STARS 

Ebook Details
  • 04/2020
  • 978-1977225764 1977225764
  • 342 pages
  • $4.99
