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Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2015
  • 9780692379493 0692379495
  • 240 pages
  • $19.99
Spectrum of Mind: An Inquiry into the Principles of the Mind and the Meaning of Life

In this thought-provoking book, author Michael Yang tackles some of life's fundamental questions that have given philosophers pause for centuries. The book will transform your understanding of reality in multiple aspects:

  • Human mind activities can be explained through two parallel tendencies, namely, the actualization of potential and the search of reunification. This explains a large portion of the roots of religion and the similarity and difference of different cultures;
  • The dynamics of these two forces results in outcomes that comprises a meta-reality - unaware but objective. The meta-reality concept is essential an extension of Popper’s concept of the 3rd World;
  • There is methodology analogy between how human mind interacts with meta-reality to how Quantum physics uses a wave function to describe reality. The implication here is that the reconciliation between science and religion hence lies NOT in the contents, but in the methodology analogy;  
  • Through these principles of the mind, a framework is provided that every normal life will find the meaning, whether being aware or unaware. The meaning of life is realized through adhering to the principles of the mind and echoing the deep-most truth in the nature and the Universe. There are many different cultures and religions attempting to reveal the meaning of life, but ultimately they all point to the similar answer as described in this book.

Be ready to challenge yourself and join the journey of searching with this fascinating book. You will walk away with a new level of understanding of your mind and a deeper appreciation of human life.    


Kirkus Review

"Far-reaching exploration of science, the mind, and the meaning of life. ... Great depth and breadth for subject matter that calls for nothing less."

San Francisco Book Review

"[Spectrum of Mind] is a book suited to a reader seeking to reconcile various--even conflicting--pieces of knowledge and values. Spectrum of Mind is a heavy book, but by no means impenetrable in terms of reading or concepts. Its goal is to expose the reader to various ways of thinking from the religious, scientific, and philosophic spectrum, in order to push the limits of knowledge and reason. This is a book for a reader with an interest in expanding their knowledge base and the intersection of science and philosophy, and...seeking meaning on their journey of life."

Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2015
  • 9780692379493 0692379495
  • 240 pages
  • $19.99
