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Ebook Details
  • 04/2024
  • 9798989259918
  • 208 pages
  • $9.99
Paperback Details
  • 04/2024
  • 9798989259901
  • 208 pages
  • $19.99
Audio Details
  • 04/2024
  • 979-8-9891599-4-9
  • 208 pages
  • $18.99
Jules Apollo
Spirit Guides on Speed Dial
Jules Apollo, author

Adult; Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion; (Market)

Curious about your guides but don’t know how to work with them, who they are, or how to start? Maybe you’re looking for an easy spiritual practice? Your spirit guides are all around you, ready to help. This book shows you how to talk to them with simple scripts, tested tips and messages from Jules’ guides for support. Spirit Guides on Speed Dial busts myths about getting guidance. You don’t need to pass a ‘worthiness’ test, know what to say, like to meditate, or have lots of time or quiet space. You can confidently partner with your guides to go after what you want, starting in Chapter 1.

Apollo provides practical yet satisfying steps to accessing spirit guides in this approachable debut. She begins with common myths related to working with spirit guides, such as needing special equipment (incense, singing bowls, etc.) or requiring a quiet place with uninterrupted time, encouraging readers to use their imaginations “to create a relationship with your guides that allows you to ask for and receive guidance.” Her writing is all-embracing, emphasizing the love that comes from spirit guides, and she urges readers to recognize their own worth as the first step in a journey to “[tap] into the wisdom that is literally standing right next to us.”

To demystify the concept of spirit guides, Apollo begins by answering some of the common questions she’s received from clients and students throughout her professional experience. Those questions range from how to physically sense spirit guides to understanding their counsel—all elements that Apollo cautions “[take] time, energy, intention, and focus... the same with any deep friendship or relationship.” The instruction starts with basic strategies, including the importance of deep breathing, how to create a safe space, and more, and Apollo incorporates handy tools like scripts and a rundown of “good spiritual manners” to kickstart the process. In the end, she weaves the guide’s nuggets of wisdom into a template that readers can customize to fit their own spiritual journeys.

For those struggling with self-doubt, Apollo encourages that “working with your guides should feel normal and comforting, not make you nervous,” reassuring followers that “your guides are never mean, insulting, or cross with you.” Though the scripts and hands-on techniques are particularly helpful, Apollo also addresses broader topics, including dreams, grief and loss, and strategies for cultivating a better world. The approach is versatile, aimed at helping readers experience a deeper life and “the confidence and clarity to detach more quickly from whatever holds you back.”

Takeaway: A gentle, practical approach to accessing spirit guides.

Comparable Titles: Liliane Fortna’s Winks from Above, Sonia Choquette’s Ask Your Guides.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A


Starred Review. In 35 years of helping other resonate with the positive energy of their spirit guides, Jules Apollo has simplified the process so that anyone, anytime, anywhere can start right away to improve any situation. She details that process in Spirit Guides on Speed Dial. Apollo has crafted scripts and tips that kick-start the process without the need for special tools, the ability to meditate, or long stretches of undisturbed time. In this valuable book for anyone seeking spiritual support, Apollo has convincingly explained how spirit guides are available 24/7 and ready to serve. 


Spirit Guides on Speed Dial is about opening one’s mind to channel higher powers. Apollo’s book addresses common questions, quells skeptics’ concerns, and shares a blueprint for interacting with one’s spirit guides, both in everyday life and in times marked by trauma, chaos, or grief. Its work is about connecting with and drawing wisdom from higher beings.Instead of rigidity, this approach emphasizes fun, ease, and feasibility, with recommendations that aim to meet audiences where they are and to fit into perhaps hectic schedules.A feel-good, nonintimidating starting point for developing a practice, Spirit Guides on Speed Dial is an edifying personal development book with recommendations to help people become cocooned in the love of higher beings.-FOREWORD Review

Midwest Book Review

"This book is not just a read; it's an experience. This exceptional book is a treasure trove of knowledge and guidance.Do you need help connecting with your spiritual guides? Fear not, for they are already by your side, ready to provide comfort, clarity, and guidance on manifesting the life of your dreams. This comprehensive guidebook debunks common misconceptions about working with guides and offers a straightforward approach to tapping into their wisdom.From understanding the subtle ways guidance manifests to establishing a practice that fosters trust in your intuition, this book equips you with simple scripts, proven techniques, and insights from Jules' spirit guides. Discover the different types of guides supporting you, learn how to seek and interpret their assistance, and navigate challenging times with their help.Whether seeking answers, pursuing dreams, or chasing goals, let your guides illuminate the path to success and fulfillment. Embrace this opportunity to unlock the power of your guides and transform your life." 

Readers' Favorite

5 Stars. Author Jules Apollo has crafted a well-penned guidebook that covers all the right bases, breaking down the steps to spirituality in an easy-to-floow manner. The emphasis on demystifying the process is particularly welcoming. The book offers a refreshing and accessible approach to connecting with one's spiritual support system, dispelling myths, and simplifying the process for those curious but unsure about where to begin. Spirit Guides on Speed Dial is a valuable and recommended resources that offers both insight and practical application. 

Ebook Details
  • 04/2024
  • 9798989259918
  • 208 pages
  • $9.99
Paperback Details
  • 04/2024
  • 9798989259901
  • 208 pages
  • $19.99
Audio Details
  • 04/2024
  • 979-8-9891599-4-9
  • 208 pages
  • $18.99
