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Paperback Details
  • 09/2021
  • 978-0-9725118-5-8
  • 36 pages
  • $17.99

"Squeak" is a story about a bird who does not like his voice.  Through coaxing and encouragement, he realizes that his voice is perfect and meant to communicate with another living creature.  Like a fingerprint, the reader will consider that each person has a unique voice and that each voice is valuable, and important to the harmony of life.

Hal Urban, Author, "Positive Words, Powerful Results"

"This is a wonderful reminder that every9one has a voice, regardless of age or position in life.  Every day presents us with an opportunity to use that voice to bring comfort, strength, or joy to someone else's life."

Laurie Wright, author of the "Mindful Mantras" Collection

"An inspirational story with a subtle but powerful message.  Robin L. Gordon has a lovely, unique way to reach children with words.  The mesages of self-acceptance, positive communication and the beauty of individuality can never be shared enough.  High recommend!"

Paperback Details
  • 09/2021
  • 978-0-9725118-5-8
  • 36 pages
  • $17.99
