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Janet Colbert
STOPPNow (Stop the Organized Pill Pushers) Now 978-1-4809-7562-0
STOPPNow - An average of 115 people die a day from opioid drug overdoses. Every single one of those deaths is preventable - if human life is valued over profit. In her searing and intimate book "STOPPNow" (2017, RoseDog Books), Janet Colbert describes her battle against the pill mills who supply, the physicains who prescribe, and the politicians who do nothing. Colbert has seen firsthand how opioids have destroyed lives and the community. Colbert has appeared in the Sun-Sentinel, on WSVN -TV - 7 NEWS Miami, and had Senator Joe Manchin read her letter on the Senate floor as seen on C-Span. tab current projects Be involved to end the opiate epidemic

starsAn inspiring read!

January 4, 2018

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

This book gave me a new and humbling perspective on this
crisis in our culture. The answer will be found at the grass roots level of citizens taking action as this book so clearly defined. It shed light on the inaction of many spineless elected politicians and bureaucrats .The lack of moral compass in the public and private sector in addressing this problem was illustrated in every chapter. Janet’s compassion for those individuals and their families suffering from the plague of addiction was inspiring and motivational.

