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Dvora Treisman
Stories My Father Told Me: From Warsaw, Moscow, Algeria, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Dominican Republic
This biography is about a Polish Jew who, in 1933, founded a Maccabi sports club in the desert of Algeria; a Jewish teenager in Warsaw who, in 1930, played poker and hooky with a band of truants and failed his last year of high school; a young Jewish agronomist who, exiled to Kazakhstan during the war, was put in charge of the agriculture of five kolkhozes and slept in a yurt; a Jewish refugee who, after the war, lived for two years in a Jewish farming collective in Sosua, Dominican Republic. It is the story of the author’s father, Rafał Feliks Buszejkin, who was born in Warsaw in 1912 and is based on a memoir he wrote for her with dozens of true stories. There are love stories, spinster stories, men becoming rich and men going broke stories, and wolves in the forest stories. There are stories of corrupt people, thieves, murderers, and many good people, some of whom would give you food off their table when they themselves had barely enough to eat.
