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Shad'e Zuiweta
Submerged Within Shadows
Florida, 1997. Mallory Thatcher is a girl marred by the trauma Florida, 1997. Accustomed to isolation, and from a family that lives in poverty, Mallory Thatcher is a shy young girl marred by extreme trauma by an older teenage boy, Elijah Campbell, who made her a victim of relentless bullying, and a haunting incident in her childhood that she can never erase from her mind, “attempted rape” in a swamp he had chased her down in. She yearns for normalcy. Living in isolation and in the shadow of this past, she creates "Cadence," an alter ego born from longing for protection and strength that her real-world guardians failed to provide. After the death of Mallory’s grandfather, and her family no longer able to afford living in the state of Florida, they move to the small town of Englander Falls, Mississippi where her grandmother is. She hopes for a fresh start, and to even find love for the first time like all the other teenage girls, but Mallory’s past has made her afraid to come in close contact with any other person that has tried to befriend her. When she finally opens up again, she is subject to more bullying by those she trusted. Her blackouts and night terrors worsen. Little do they know that beneath her quiet exterior, a dark hidden resilience lay dormant within her fragile psyche, diagnosed as a schizophrenic, ready to surface when pushed to the brink. Mallory finds herself entangled in a series of mysterious deaths that stir the town and eventually point to her as the prime suspect. With her beloved sister's murder weighing heavily on her, Mallory is forced to confront her darkest fears and the possibility that her past in Florida, and the murders are intertwined more deeply than she ever imagined. Although she is responsible for the other murders, she believes that someone has set her up for her sister’s murder. It becomes a twist in a tale of survival, a relentless journey through love, navigating through the search for identity, truth, and the fight to reclaim one's voice in the face of society.
This powerful coming-of-age thriller from Zuiweta (author of Adulterous SIns) centers on the dual personalities of teenage Mallory, who finds herself plagued with nightmares about the lifeless body of Elijah Campbell, the arrogant son of a prominent detective, in the deep waters of Florida’s Lake Harris. Mallory harbors no doubt that the one responsible for the death is Cadence, the protective alter ego who emerges like a fierce guardian whenever Mallory is in danger. Unable to sustain the cost of living in Florida, her family relocates to a small town in rural Mississippi, where Mallory hopes to make a fresh start. But the world is rife with bullies like Elijah preying on the meek, so Cadence’s voice grows stronger, and sinister events begin to hunt the once-peaceful Englander Falls.

Mallory’s eccentricity makes her a target for ridicule, and her attempts to confide in her parents fall flat as they dismiss the voices in her head as her imagination. Through this unnerving narrative, Zuiweta effectively wills Mallory's torment to her advantage, revealing a neglected and abused child whose cries for help often go unheard. Each betrayal deepens her wounds, turning her into a ticking time bomb—“Cadence won’t like that,” Mallory replies when a pastor’s daughter asks pressing questions—that is primed to explode. The betrayal of those she considered friends sabotages her capacity to trust, twisting her into a cynic. She is forced to be her own hero, even if it means becoming a monster.

With an emphatic eye revealing Mallory's chaotic internal world, Zuiweta excels in showcasing nuances of how people can fail an innocent, suggesting that this is how a serial killer is made, not born. The result is a hair-raising tug-of-war between good and evil, conscience and retribution that challenges readers to feel for and understand the young killer without necessarily justifying her actions. A satisfying yet unexpected ending will leave lovers of dark suspense yearning for the second installment.

Takeaway: Gripping coming-of-age thriller of trauma, neglect, and a murderous alter ego.

Comparable Titles: Zoje Stage's Baby Teeth, Oyinkan Braithwaite’s My Sister, the Serial Killer.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A

