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E-Book Details
  • 04/2018
  • 9781532046247
  • 114 pages
  • $$3.99
Soft Cover Details
  • 04/2018
  • 9781532046230
  • 114 pages
  • $$13.99
Daniel Skaarup
Success Philosophy
In your hands, you hold the keys to get whatever you want out of life. Increase your riches and success far beyond your wildest dreams. This book features many of the greatest thinkers the earth has produced in the form of giants. The wisdom of the ages is here in an ?all you can eat buffet? style. You will be introduced to a new habit that will show you step-by-step how to achieve any goal you want and create success for yourself in any career field. Some of the most inspiring and interesting people to ever live at the lakehead will show you how they became wildly successful, starting from nothing. City builders, real estate developers, mayors, MPs, United States presidential advisors, Ontario?s strongest man champion, self-made millionaires, and visionaries share their life stories and philosophies; and they tell you how they did it and how you can too. Buy this book, and create the life of your dreams. It may well be worth millions of dollars to you. Sir Isaac Newton credits the habit you are about to learn with making him the most influential scientist of all time. Increase your understanding of spirit and the universal hidden laws of success and gain cosmic consciousness, plus spiritual enlightenment. Buy this book at once, and let?s get started building your wildest dreams into reality. It is a step-by-step guide that will show you how and why you can do it. It?s Canada?s best book you?ve never read yet! Success Philosophy will guide you to become blessed by design.
E-Book Details
  • 04/2018
  • 9781532046247
  • 114 pages
  • $$3.99
Soft Cover Details
  • 04/2018
  • 9781532046230
  • 114 pages
  • $$13.99
