Plot: Summer in Gettysburg is a truly enjoyable and compelling Civil War tale, rich in emotion and historical drama. The two time periods in which the novel is set are well-balanced, if spaced a little far apart.
Prose/Style: Landane's writing is consistently strong and occasionally quite stylistic. However, the use of character thoughts in first-person perspective with italics may have impressed more highly on the reader as consistent third-person or even dialogue.
Originality: A distinct take on the traditional Civil War genre, Summer in Gettysburg presents a domestic battle story, which offers unique tragedies and emotional drama. Combined with alternating time periods and supernatural elements, this is an original and exciting tale.
Character Development: The characters in Evelyn Landane's Summer in Gettysburg are fully realized and engaging. Summer Walker is a particular standout; even in ghost form, she commands the reader’s attention. From her first appearance to the end, her passion and courage inspire sympathy and affection.
Date Submitted: August 07, 2020