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Ebook Details
  • 10/2024
  • 9798330459889 B0DHTZXKC3
  • 323 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 10/2024
  • 9798330459889 B0DHTZXKC3
  • 280 pages
  • $14.99
Noah Bodie
Noah Bodie, author

Adult; Romance; (Market)

In a world scarred by war, Andreas and Simon are unlikely companions brought together by fate. Andreas struggles with the weight of his family's legacy, while Simon, a hardened mercenary, is haunted by his past. As they journey together, their bond grows from wary allies to something deeper, offering glimpses of hope amid the darkness.They must learn to trust each other not just with their lives, but with their hearts.

"Suneater" is a captivating story about trust, family, and self-discovery. It follows Andreas and Simon's chance meeting as ​they navigate a world of mystery, magic, and turmoil. As they ​confront their pasts and grapple with their intertwined ​destinies, they must unravel the complexities of their ​relationships and confront their feelings for one another. This ​captivating narrative explores themes of loyalty, resilience, ​and the enduring power of human connection, offering a rich ​and immersive journey into the depths of the human spirit.

The Desert Rose Saga
Andreas Dwyer struggles to establish his identity outside of ​his family's notoriety. A chance meeting with an orc ​mercenary named Simon propels the half-elf on a journey of ​self-discovery, laughter, and romantic tension. Can they let ​down their guard and foster a budding romance? Will Andreas ​discover the meaning behind cryptic messages concerning his ​future? These unlikely heroes may hold the key to changing ​the world's fate, and they don't even know it.
LGBTQIA2+ - Fantasy Romance - Dark Fantasy

Ebook Details
  • 10/2024
  • 9798330459889 B0DHTZXKC3
  • 323 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 10/2024
  • 9798330459889 B0DHTZXKC3
  • 280 pages
  • $14.99
