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Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2023
  • 9781737535140
  • 470 pages
  • $34.95
Roger Pedersen
SuperPower The Ability to Fly or to Become Invisible The Golden Eagle Has Yielded: The Golden Eagle Has Yielded (Book #3):

Gold Award-Winning Book #3 The Golden Eagle has Yielded  5 STARS
By now, the twins Rocky and Apollo are obsessed with supermodel Myrena Gorgona, but she has ambitions beyond being mere arm candy for the amorous Steele twins. She’s got her sights set on controlling the Golden Eagle Organization. When the Professor decides that Myrena isn’t entirely up to the job, he unleashes her formidable wrath. She joins forces with a group of women seeking retribution. The Lemnian Deeds Federation goes after the Steeles under the banner “Stop the Professor, Now and Forever.” At the same time, the Organization still has to contend with DODGE (the Department of Defense Genetically Engineered), so it’s far from guaranteed that Golden Eagle will prevail this time.

Fans of this series will love the new challenge to DODGE and the Steele family. As with his earlier books, Pedersen has packed a wealth of well-researched and painstaking detail into the action of The Golden Eagle has Yielded. Pedersen engages readers with the fast-paced narrative and numerous unexpected twists and turns. The author masterfully weaves a web of intrigue and suspense, making it difficult to predict which group will ultimately prevail, adding an element of excitement and uncertainty. The Martin twins, in particular, are well-developed and evolve throughout the narrative as they grapple with the legacy of their parents and the challenges of leadership. The Steele brothers, Rocky and Apollo, also make for compelling antagonists, with their newest Superpower acquisitions adding an extra layer of complexity to the plot. Superpower is an engaging and well-crafted sequel, but it requires readers to be familiar with the events of the first book in the series. Those who have not read the previous installment may find themselves initially confused by the intricate web of relationships and alliances.

Superpower: The Ability to Fly or to Become Invisible: The Golden Eagle has Yielded is a gripping continuation of the SuperPower series. With its well-developed characters, thrilling plot, and unexpected twists, it successfully builds upon the foundation laid by its predecessor.


Review by OnlineBookClub of SuperPower The Ability To Fly or to Become Invisible The Golden Eagle Has Yielded (Book #3)

Intrigue, fantasy, and a world of power dynamics are masterfully woven together in this captivating novel. SuperPower: The Ability to Fly or to Become Invisible: The Golden Eagle Has Yielded (Book #3) by Roger E Pedersen delves deep into the clandestine and turbulent world that lurks beneath the facade of power.

The Steele family and their enigmatic 'Golden Eagle' organization, comprised entirely of individuals with extraordinary abilities, command a shadowy influence over society, possessing immense wealth and leveraging their supernatural prowess. Their members seamlessly navigate government corridors while conducting covert operations, blurring the lines between public service and hidden agendas. Yet, their dominance faces a formidable challenge when Professor Steele, the patriarch, encounters an aspiring member who becomes an unexpected adversary, igniting a supernatural war with high stakes and unimaginable consequences. Beyond the gripping narrative, the book subtly advocates for gender equality, encouraging the pursuit of dreams despite adversities—a message echoing through the exhilarating saga.

The book excels in characterization, skillfully introducing key players and delving into their intricate backstories. The well-crafted storyline adeptly weaves events with their causes and effects, captivating readers and maintaining their interest throughout the saga. 

The SuperPower book series is available in eBook and softcover from Amazon, Google Play, B&N, Kobo, Target, Walmart and 100s of local bookstores.

Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2023
  • 9781737535140
  • 470 pages
  • $34.95
