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David Horn
Sylvia Locke’s Cinderella and the Evil Fairy Godmother (Tairy Fails #2)
David Horn, author
Fairytale Land's baddest girl is about to head to a prince's ball. A modern, twisted retelling of Cinderella. Once upon a time in Fairytale Land, there lived Sylvia Locke—the baddest girl around. So bad that her grandparents have shipped her off to live with her uptight Aunt Marjorie and two goody-two-shoes step-cousins. When an invitation to the prince's ball arrives, Sylvia is determined to attend at any cost, even if it means enlisting the help of an evil fairy godmother (against Fairytale Land laws, but has that ever stopped her?). Along this chaotic quest, Sylvia stumbles into some unexpectedly imperfect friends. But will she also learn to appreciate those who truly care for her? The second book in the Tairy Fails series of modern, twisted retellings that puts a hilarious, rebellious, new spin on the classic fairy tales. Perfect for elementary school kids and early chapter book readers.
