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Paperback Details
  • 00/2022
  • 979-8885903127
  • 292 pages
  • $$17.99
Hardcover Details
  • 00/2022
  • 979-8885903110
  • 292 pages
  • $$24.99
Bruce Fisher
Taking the Short Bus
This dramatic coming of age comedy takes place in and around the city of Philadelphia Pennsylvania between years 1974-75. Based on actual events it follows the the journey of eighteen-year-old Eric Blum who had dyslexia and emotional break down following his brother's -Elliot- death in the Vietnam war in 1969.To prove himself and school authorities he is emotionally and academically worthy to graduate from a private school with special needs -Noah Webster Preparatory- Eric finds himself several after school jobs. An usher at a movie theater, spinning records at local dances for a locally famous disc-jockey, member of the changeover crew at the Philadelphia Spectrum or making salads washing dishes at a restaurant. Eric's home life is bleak and depressing. From the outcome of his brother's death, Eric's parents are in perpetual mourning. We find the true victims from the war are not the soldiers, but the those who had survived them. The guardians and siblings who subconsciously wait for their love ones to walk through the front door that never will. Eric is infatuated by his history teacher -Carole Schor- who sees Eric as a student and a trusted friend outside of school. At times his innuendos and slight passes toward Carole gets too uncomfortable. Eric's best friend is his cousin Opie. Opie is academically brilliant, but his behavior gets him expelled from his parochial school and has to attend the all boys Central High in Philadelphia. Where ever Cousin Opie goes trouble follows with Eric close behind. Eric's therapy sessions with school psychologist -Dr. Goldman- breaks the walls of humiliation of traveling through life with a learning disability and grief trying to fit into a world that believes taking the short bus to a special need schools labels you retarded.
Paperback Details
  • 00/2022
  • 979-8885903127
  • 292 pages
  • $$17.99
Hardcover Details
  • 00/2022
  • 979-8885903110
  • 292 pages
  • $$24.99
