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Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 08/2016
  • 19781483577739 B01KADRNC4
  • 173 pages
  • $6,99
Pearl Zhu
Talent Master: 199+ Questions to See Talent from Different Angles (Digital Master Book 6)
Pearl Zhu, author

We live in a time of rapidly changing technology and business dynamic at the dawn of the Digital Era, The knowledge life cycle is significantly shortened, and a huge skill gap in the workforce needs to be filled due to the continuously updated technology and regulation, digitalization and globalization, etc. Growth minds, new skills, or digital capabilities are needed every day. However, who are the future of digital leaders and professionals at the age of Digital? How do you define digital professionals, identify talent gaps, and improve digital professionalism both at the individual level and organizational Level?

Generally speaking, a professional is an individual with the expertise of some specific area, who earns his or her livings from that expertise. Being professional also means that the individual not only has the skill but also presents high-quality professionalism such as positive mentality and attitude, fair judgments and good behaviors, creativity and high intelligence.

The book “Talent Master - 199 + Questions to See Talent from Different Angles“ is the guidebook to help digital professionals shape the digital fit mindset, improve multidimensional digital intelligence, build a unique set of digital capabilities, inspire creativity, improve professionalism, and unleash their full talent potential. It is also a playbook to help digital leaders and business managers set updated digital principles to innovate talent management, performance management, acknowledgment management, and culture management, to integrate them into a holistic people management solution, and leap digital transformation to the next level of maturity.

Chapter 1 Digital Fit: “Digital fit” should be first defined as “mind fit.” The right mindset is an utmost quality for being a right fit because the power of the mind is the force to change the business or even the world for better, and then following with attitude fit and behavior fit. Digital contemporary fitness requires envisioning new perspectives, shaping new boxes of thinking, and building new competency.

Chapter 2 Digital Intelligence: Intelligence has been defined in many different ways such as in terms of one's capacity for logic, abstract thought, understanding, self-awareness, communication, learning, emotional knowledge, memory, planning, creativity and problem-solving. Whether someone is "intelligent" or not depends entirely on what you are asking them to accomplish with their brain. Digital intelligence is multidimensional and contextual, with the ultimate goals to gain wisdom.

Chapter 3 Digital Creativity: Creativity is the high level of intelligence. Creativity is expressive, productive, inventive, innovative and emergent. The innovators with digital creativity are simply those who can see what's around, and easily and effortlessly discover a better way to do things. Creativity is a synthesis of two qualities: imagination with which you create new ideas and the concreteness with which you can transform ideas into real work.

Chapter 4 Digital Professionalism: The online dictionary defines “professionalism is the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well.” Hence, it doesn’t mean if you had a profession, you would be automatically a well-respected professional with professionalism. High professionalism is a mindset, principle, and discipline.

Chapter 5 Digital Potential: Potential is about future performance, not past performance. How well do individuals continue to perform and grow in their current roles, how likely can they take on new challenges at work, rapidly learn and grow into next-level roles, or roles that are expanded and redefined as the business changes? Individuals showing potential are distinguished usually by their mastery of new roles quickly and effectively, learning more rapidly than their peers, more innovate in problem-solving. Either at the individual or business level, performance helps you motivated and keeps your business running, churning numbers, etc, whereas potential can leap digital professionals or businesses to the next level.

Who are digital professionals? There are 199+ insightful questions and talent debates listed in the book to “see talent from different angles,” to make an objective assessment, and to engage readers in brainstorming the future of work and sparking fresh ideas for talent management innovation.

  • Being a digital professional means consistency: At the dawn of digital age, the bar is actually raised higher for either being a digital leader or being a digital professional. Because, nowadays, the line between our professional life and personal life is blurring, thanks for the technology to make everything so transparent. Being a digital professional doesn't just mean the face you post at work or the talk you have in the meeting. It’s more about the consistent image you deliver about being who you are or the mentality you have in or out of working hours. It becomes a life attitude as well.

  • Being a digital professional means a high level of maturity: A professional is someone who has a high level of maturity and treats everyone as a human being. Maturity and humane attitude are necessary qualities of any good human being, including professionals. As our digitized world becomes hyper-connected, over-complex and interdependent, a digital professional is a person who:

-is thinking independently with the capability to make a good judgment,

-is clear about his or her responsibility and added value in the organization and the world,

-has the expertise and integrity to substantiate what he or she stands for,

-works according to the principles, but with the courage to break the rule, if out of date,

-is accountable, which first of all means he or she is willing to articulate thinking processes behind decisions and actions.

  • Being a digital professional means “anti-unprofessionalism”: A true professional dislikes, and even fights against those unprofessional phenomenon such as: unsatisfactory communication, back-biting and rumor-mongering, bully, obsessive favoritism, discrimination (age, racial, sexual, etc), harassment of any kind, abuse of any kind, and lack of inclusiveness. These are just some of the characteristics -and the numerous possible combinations thereof which make a workplace more or less toxic.

  • Being a digital professional means to master the special sets of digital capabilities: If industrial professionals make career advancement more base on "who they know," due to the traditional silo setting; then digital professionals equip themselves with game-changing mindsets, from discovery, autonomy to mastery, to grow into "who they are," by exploring the expanded talent pipeline. Further, the “VUCA” reality requires digital professionals to have the following skill set to be heading in a professional direction!

-Capacity to be non-judgmental

-Tolerance for ambiguity

-Capacity to appreciate and communicate respect for other people's ways

-Capacity to demonstrate empathy

-Capacity to be flexible

-Willingness to think differently and acquire new patterns of behavior

-Humility to acknowledge what you don't know

-Capacity to see the bigger picture

-Capacity to challenge outdated mindsets, inappropriate behaviors and provide feedback

  • Being a digital professional means to cultivate digital leadership qualities, which include:

-Learning agility: They need to exercise a strong mix of judgment or creativity in unison with the practical skills they bring to bear.

-Integrity: Integrity is about the completeness, totality or moral soundness in the behavior.

-Responsibility & accountability: A professional is responsible for his/her actions. He or she should be accountable to his or her company, to himself/herself or his/her conscience.  

-Respect: Respect others if you want others to respect you, not simply based on their position or power only, more based on their ability and behavior.

-Humility: One of the true tests of a professional is to know when you don't know. Having met the professional standard and achieved the credential to practice a profession.  

-Leadership: “Lead, Follow or Get out of the way.” Leaders are both nature and nurtured, they become leaders by vision, determination, and constant efforts.


Being a digital professional inherently and inextricably links with high levels of “professionalism.” A professional is an individual who strives to represent skill and delivers quality. A professional is specially trained to practice a profession without even being employed by someone. A digital professional presents high mature professionalism which means: the mastery of digital capabilities, sound judgments via independent thinking, positive attitudes to fighting unprofessionalism, humilities to the things they don't know, and polite behaviors to act cohesively.


"Talent Master" Book Presentation

Digital fit should be first defined as “mind fit.” 
Digital intelligence is multidimensional. 
Digital creativity is the high level of thinking. 
Digital professionalism is a mindset, principle, and discipline. 
Digital potential is about future performance, not past performance. 

Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 08/2016
  • 19781483577739 B01KADRNC4
  • 173 pages
  • $6,99
