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Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2013
  • 9781484892121
  • 114 pages
  • $6.99
Tangled in Tales
What would happen if you became a part of your favourite fairy tales? If you met all the characters that you love? Twins, Vee and Mik unwittingly run into Rumplestiltskin. He has his hands on their gold. Now Rumplestiltskin will never part with gold without setting up an impossible challenge. His challenge: He will send one of the twins into fairyland. He will also make one major change in the story. It is the twins’ job to bring the story to the same end that it has always had or they will be trapped in the story forever. Not only that, they have to pass through six tales in one day! Snow White doesn’t eat the poisoned apple… Goldilocks doesn’t go into the bears’ house… Little Red-Riding Hood doesn’t get eaten up by the wolf… Cinderella’s glass slipper is broken before she can wear it… When Jack shimmies down from the beanstalk, his mother is not at home to give him the axe… Alice isn’t on trial… Mik is sent off. He doesn’t know the stories…so what will he do? Vee can help from the real world…but how? This is an exciting tale full of action and adventure. Tangled in Tales also introduces two of the most lovable, young and modern guardian-angel fairies every created. Join the four in their race to untangle the tales…
Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2013
  • 9781484892121
  • 114 pages
  • $6.99
