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Robert E. Kearns
Tell Tale Tattler

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

In 1970s Dublin, Arthur Brennan and his family live in middle class prosperity and the trappings that go along with it. From the outside, they appear to enjoy an envious existence. However, Mr. Brennan is disillusioned with his job and longs for any excitement to break the mind-numbing monotony. One summer evening, the premises of a local distributor goes on fire. This provides an unlikely temptation for Mr. Brennan, where he succumbs to his pent-up cravings for adventure. Arrested for looting after a neighbor tips off the police, Mr. Brennan is fired, and his life goes into freefall. Tell Tale Tattler is a marvelous exploration of the male psyche, and a look at how a fruitful but mundane life can end up in a downward spiral from which there is no way out.
