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Hardcover Details
  • 10/2022
  • 9780994089328
  • 292 pages
  • $19.95
E. A. Barker
The $1.99 Author Expanded Edition (Hardback)
E. A. Barker, author

Adult; Lit Crit, Lit Bio, Essay, Film; (Market)

The $1.99 Author offers a pragmatic look at today’s publishing options for both budding and previously published authors. Almost every conceivable publishing path is touched upon with the pros and cons of each laid bare. This book is free of sugar-coated empty promises of success. Instead, readers will be made to understand there is a ladder awaiting them, and The 1.99 Author shows us how to climb it safely without going broke, without getting taken, and without too many heartbreaks.
Elena Ruiz

"An eye-opening read. The unadulterated truth about the publishing industry."

Some of our biggest fans gush about our books on social media all the time. They deserve a shout-out here as well. Click on the link to see her best-of compilation, and maybe read some of her poetry. I hear good things.


“First of all, it’s hilarious.”

“I say bravo Mr. Barker - you have bravely said what

few are willing to. I thoroughly enjoyed this.”

S.A. - goodreads


“Want to be an author? Read this book.”

“This book will repay the cost and time spent reading

it ten times over. If it stops a new author falling for

one of the scams it’s a hundred times.”

S.F. - Book Review


“Masterfully written and exhaustively researched with

enough humor to ensure readers won't slash their

wrists by Chapter 8, this peek inside the vagaries of

the publishing industry is the benchmark by which

all books on this subject should be measured.”

S.K-S. - goodreads

The $1.99 Author Expanded Edition Hardback is Available NOW!


The $1.99 Author is an informative and fun book for those who write books and people who think they might want to.

The Expanded Edition Hardback shows E. A.'s love of "real books" as this version features additional "polishing" with even more humour; an index and a glossary; even a cartoon in addition to various bits of front and rear matter which e-books don't manage well.


The Blurbs - Whaaat?! They wouldn’t fit on the cover. I

Reader Advisory - Because it’s a thing now. II

Copyright - (How To Lessen Your Chance Of Being Sued. . . III

Dedication - (Insert Memorable Banality Here.) V

For Student Readers - The Clifford-Cole Cheat VII

Forward - You have to start somewhere. IX

Contents - Why is this here? It seems a bit much. XI 

Section One - Meat for Cannibals 1

Preface - Caveat Emptor 3

Introduction - Artists Are Makers Surrounded By Takers. 5

Chapter One - Who Are You? 9

Chapter Two - Why Did You Write Your Book? 11

Chapter Three - Popping Your Cherry 23

Chapter Four - THE END Is Just The Beginning. 27

Chapter Five - The Pay-To-Play Game 33

Chapter Six - “There is a sucker born every minute.” 39

Chapter Seven - The Publishing Ladder 41 

Section Two - The Greatest Stories. . . LIES Ever Told: 55

Chapter Eight - The Experts Spin 57

Chapter Nine - They Claim We Need A Platform Without Stating What It Is. 61

Chapter Ten - They Tell Us We Must Blahhhg. 69

Chapter Eleven - They Insist We Need To Be On Anti-Social Media. 77

Chapter Twelve - They Assert Success Is Measured In Online Reviews. . . 103

Chapter Twelve & A Half - They Assure Us They Know What Readers Want. 107 

Section Three - Writers Are Weird. 113

Chapter Fourteen - Because Chapter Thirteen Would Be Bad Luck. 115

Chapter Fifteen - A Special Exclusive Offer From Me To You. 119

Chapter Sixteen - “If I were a rich man. . .” 125

Chapter Seventeen - A Slanted History of Publishing 131 Section Four - “The truth shall set you free, but first it will piss you off.” 139

Chapter Eighteen - Writers write, right? 141

Chapter Nineteen - “And the winner IS. . . NOT YOU!” 149

Chapter Twenty - Traditional Publishing: The Money. . . 159

Chapter Twenty-One - Successful Marketers Are Not Looking For. . . 167

Chapter Twenty-Two - Nuts and Bolts 193

Chapter Twenty-Three - The $1.99 Author 219 Index - (Adds weight to nonfiction books. Only perused by smart people.) 237

Glossary - A Guide To Publishing Terminology 267

About The Author - “Truths Are Not Easy To Sell, But You Sleep Better. . .” 275

Hardcover Details
  • 10/2022
  • 9780994089328
  • 292 pages
  • $19.95
