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Amanda Hamm
The Abundance Habit: 120 Daily Exercises To Cultivate Joy and Success
Most people associate the word “abundance” with financial wealth, but abundance is actually a state of “more than enough,” and it can take root in any area of your life that you want it to. This means that abundance of health, wealth, love, joy, and creativity are all within your grasp. But the road to abundance in every area of your life starts with changing your thinking habits and thus your mindset. Cultivating an abundance mindset requires taking actionable steps to confront your limiting beliefs and create new habits of thinking and behavior. The Abundance Habit will provide you with a clearer understanding of the types of abundance available to you and give you a road map for how to achieve that abundance in your life. Your path to joy and fulfillment starts today.
“You [can] achieve abundance in any and every area of your life” promises Hamm in this uplifting debut. Based on Hamm’s four-step method to retrain the mind—Say It, See It, Write It, Do It—the guide includes practical tools and advice to overcome limiting beliefs, replace unhealthy habits with meaningful routines, and master the art of positive thinking. "You can change your life if you are willing to change your thinking," Hamm asserts, and her straight-forward guidance will help readers do just that—reprogram their thought patterns and fashion a new reality.

The idea of an abundant life may seem vague at first, but Hamm strips the concept down to nine areas of abundance—self-worth, wealth, health, time, energy, love, joy, creativity, and career—and applies her four-step method to each area. She includes positive affirmations, or “cancellations” (things to stop doing or thinking), in the Say It sections, whereas the See It portion of each chapter encourages readers to build a “vision board” to visualize the abundance they’re seeking (hint: when working on having more time with family, post a picture of your next vacation spot on the vision board). Daily journaling is a must-do when it comes to reinforcing goals, according to Hamm, and she offers numerous journaling prompts for each area of abundance in the guide’s Write It sections. To fully implement new ways of thinking, readers will find practical “Do It” assignments closing out each chapter.

Hamm has meticulously built this guide to be interactive, and she emphasizes the work required to put her advice into practice while reminding readers that wealth is not the only (or most important) area of abundance—"[you] can cultivate abundance in every area of your life if you are willing to do the work to make it happen" she writes. Anyone wishing to accomplish life goals through pragmatic, easy-to-follow advice will find this invaluable.

Takeaway: A four-step framework to achieving abundance in life.

Comparable Titles: James Clear’s Atomic Habits, Katy Milkman’s How to Change.

Production grades
Cover: B
Design and typography: A-
Illustrations: NA
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

