"The Adventures of Strawberryhead & Gingerbread: Lost on Christmas Eve" is a delightful Christmas story about two siblings, Strawberryhead and Gingerbread, who embark on an exciting adventure with their dog Solomon and his friend, Bella. After enjoying a fun walk in the enchanting woods of S'moresville on Christmas Eve, an unexpected snowstorm suddenly engulfs them, causing them to become separated and lost. But as the saying goes, "friends don't let friends stay lost!" With the help of a "Wonderful" visitor who is bigger than anything they may be afraid of; they learn the power of faith and discover the true meaning of Christmas. This captivating tale is not only filled with thrilling moments but also beautifully illustrated to engage kids of all ages. It will warm their hearts and help them experience the joy and love of Jesus during the holiday season and beyond!
The Adventures of Strawberryhead& Gingerbread: Lost on Christmas Eve!
KF & KM Wheatie, author