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  • B075SNGS82
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Colin Weldon
The Agathon Book 3: Sword Of Stars
Colin Weldon, author
The Agathon waits, orbiting a planet hidden within a dense nebula, while Carrie and Doctor Tyrell rescue the last human survivors from their generational space stations. Now armed with powerful weaponry supplied by Carrie’s new allied alien race, Captain Barrington and his crew try to work out where to take the last fragments of humanity. On the home world of Ruthenium, General Tark’An prepares to activate the final solution to end the war with the machines known as the Targlagdu. His race, now facing extinction, prepares to leave their planet when a signal is detected. A small-unknown ship (The Agathon) is detected one sector away. Tark’An is ordered to intercept the vessel, assess it’s threat potential and destroy it if necessary. While Carrie tries to assimilate Aron Elstone and his crew, The Black decides that the time has come to fulfill its true nature. Carrie must now enter a final battle within herself to prevent her powers being used against those she loves the most. The Agathon now faces a war on two fronts as Captain Barrington is faced with making the ultimate sacrifice before the galaxy as they know it ceases to exist.
Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • B075SNGS82
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