Plot: This is a compelling quest narrative that succinctly traces a woman's journey through the Sahara to find her purpose. Readers will become invested in the protagonist's various physical and emotional struggles.
Prose: The narrative effectively expresses our fundamental need for self-understanding and self-acceptance. Eloquent phrasing adds to the depth of the protagonist's journey although the author's reliance on adverbs can detract at times.
Originality: The desert setting, Abi's lonely quest, and the array of unusual characters make this a unique story of a woman who will do anything it takes to either learn how to live with herself or die.
Character development: Abi has endured condescension and outright abuse throughout her life, and the combination of her physical and emotional challenges have resulted in a person who is determined to find herself. Secondary characters are also well developed, including the Amazigh traveler, whose appearance is brief but profound.
Date Submitted: June 30, 2018