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Laurie Jo Litton
The Arcanum, Bradley Gordon's First Adventure
L. J. Litton, author

Young Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

Unwittingly, Bradley Gordon and his younger brother, Quentin, possess latent, innate talents bestowed upon them via their diverse multicultural lineage. Those with these like-n-kind special abilities, and the elite amongst them, the Arcanums, are managed via a global network led by the Venere', and overseen by the Chivalran Regiments established to find and deal with the reprobate Arcanums at the behest of the Venere'. Abandoned by both parents when very young, and left to fend for themselves against a vast array of adversaries. the boys are forced to flee their homeland to unknown territories all the while experiencing fantastic scuba diving adventures and intriguing clandestine interactions. Can the boys escape the clutches of their would-be overlords?
