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The Arrows of Mercy
Jill MacLean, author
The year is 1348. Haunted by the blood on his hands, an archer named Edmund returns home from the French wars to a life of serfdom. His brutal elder brother does not want a hero on his doorstep. The priest denounces his mercy killings. The woman he loves yearns for a wider world; the ambitious wise-woman challenges him in ways he deplores; and an abused servant-girl is a thorn to his flesh. Yet, as the days pass, Edmund is impelled to fight for the impossible: love and redemption. Then plague arrives in the village and everything changes.
testimonial on back cover of The Arrows of Mercy

"...Richly imagined and compellingly realized, The Arrows of Mercy draws the reader into a story of the past that is imbued with the urgency and immediacy of our own time."

Anne Simpson, award-winning author of Speechless. 

testimonial on back cover of The Arrows of Mercy

"...Gripping, immersive, and penned with wisdom and a fiery prescience...a powerful statement on the passions and impulses that shape morality itself. A story for the ages."

Carol Bruneau, award-winning author of Purple for Sky

