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The Beautiful Sound
jim murphy, author
When troubled 13-year-old Davey encounters Harold, a crusty, lonely 83-year-old RAF veteran of WWII, they find a common bond that brings the surprising  prospect of friendship across generations. The story weaves humor, in the alternating perceptions of reality of the young teen and elderly man, with memories of wartime, lost love, and the everyday challenges in dealing with broken homes and bullies. It shows the quiet strength in forging new lives and possibilities, and the poignance of past choices remembered in the last chapters of life.
Susan Rasco-Editor, Digital designer

I loved this book, and I was so touched by the story, these characters, and the appreciation the author showed for the selfless heroism of the veterans of WWII. Enjoyable for all ages and a special treat for aviation fans. I was laughing out loud at many points, and crying quite a bit too. It is a really special tale of love and loss and resilience, what we gain by reaching out to the people around us, and how much we all need human connections at every age and time of life. My highest recommendation!

