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The Bed Time Story Book
Mark Binder, author
36 Fun to Hear Stories for Young Listeners FOR IMMEDIATE RLEASE As the sun dips below the horizon and the stars begin to twinkle, the magical world of storytelling comes alive with the release of the much-anticipated audiobook edition of “The Bed Time Story Book” by Mark Binder. This captivating audiobook offers parents and children a delightful opportunity to create cherished bedtime traditions, fostering imagination and bonding moments that will be treasured for years to come. As parents, we understand the importance of nurturing a child’s imagination and creating cherished memories that last a lifetime. “The Bed Time Story Book” audiobook offers the perfect opportunity to engage your little ones in the joy of storytelling while also providing a peaceful and calming bedtime ritual. Mark Binder is the Audie Award nominated and Parents’ Choice Gold author and narrator of more than two-dozen books. He tours the world performing stories for listeners of all ages and backgrounds.
