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The Bible's Hidden Treasure: James: the Precious Pearl: Hageman M.S. C.H.P., John P.: 9781973692850: Books
This book’s primary goal is to lead us on our most important quest, to discover, understand and travel on our narrow path to heaven. Our narrow path to heaven is simply obedience to God’s will and His Commandments. One person told me the whole concept of the Bible might be summed up in four words, “do good – resist evil.” The tough question is, how do we do this? One book of the Bible, the short book of James, is what I found to be like a hidden treasure or a precious pearl, as discussed in the parable told by Jesus in Matthew, 13:44-46. This precious pearl; and you should give up everything else to possess this treasure that will lead you to your salvation. Chapter 1 starts with the key question, are you saved by faith alone? The book of James answers this question with a definite NO. Other topics that James discusses are: •\tDoes God Change with Time? •\tWhich One of the 10 Commandments is the Least Important? •\tWhat is God Given Wisdom and How Do You Get this Wisdom? •\tDoes God Tempt You? •\tHow is Facing Trials Good for You? •\tWhat about Patience and Perseverance? •\tAre You Rich; or Do You Show Favoritism? •\tDo You Have an Alligator Mouth? •\tWhat Works and Deeds are Important? •\tDo You Judge Others? •\tAre You a Friend of the World? •\tWill You Act Today; or Only Listen to What You Must Do? •\tWhat Else Should You Pray For? Do you ask yourself some of these questions; and do you want concrete answers to these questions? The small book of James truly has the answers you are seeking. I pray that you find heavenly wisdom in this book; and that you will share it with others.


Reviewed in the United States on February 21, 2021

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John Hageman's new book is filled with instructions and answers laid out in a logical way. He also teaches the reader how to do their own search for the truth in the Bible. Each chapter is short and covers a specific topic. For this reader, some chapters were easy reading but other chapters really made me think and analyze as I realized that my Christian education had not given me all the answers. While the book of James is the focus, the author brings in religious concepts from the entire Bible as well. Some unique and controversial ideas are introduced and well supported. This book taught me a lot and gave me even more to think about. Overall, an excellent read. Highly recommended.



Reviewed in the United States on September 13, 2020

The Bible’s Hidden Treasure takes us through a journey of the book of James. I have found this book a great asset to my library and I highly recommend it. The value of this book has eternal rewards and will lead you to Salvation, which leads to repentance. Separating us from the world of darkness, to a life of light and wisdom that by our deeds we will have treasure in heaven. The Bible is a love letter to all who read it (B.I.B.L. E.) Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth. Do good, resist evil. Sounds simple? The book explains and asks life-changing questions. The Author’s intent is to encourage you to dig in and find the treasure God has planned and purposed for your life. James is truly a precious

Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2021

Reading The Bible's Hidden Treasure was a blessing for me, at a time when I was needing some direction and answers in my life. I strongly recommend this book for the insights presented through the author's research and perspective. Thank you John Hageman for this amazing book and the clarity and confidence it has brought into my life. It has strengthened my hope.
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on September 6, 2020
This book covered answers to some of the questions I’ve had all these years. It really makes you think and points out the places to go to find the answers. I really enjoyed this book!
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on February 25, 2021
John Hageman shows us the beauty of the Book of James and brings together the Old and New Testament history, purpose and message of the Savior, Jesus Christ in a thoughtful and easy to read book. I enjoyed The Hidden Treasure, James: The Precious Pearl :) Reviewed by Stephen Heimberg
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