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Mihaela Demirevska-Belouhova
Author, Translator, Service Provider
The Biggest Communication Mistakes

Adult; Political & Social Sciences; (Market)

The truth is that here are many types of conclusions that can be done regarding that issue. However, I would like to point on the importance of the communications and the reason of why we have to continue increasing our skills and avoiding mistakes. You know that the messages that we show to the audiences are the face of our organization. Therefore, we have to be careful what we give as information and how we express it to the different audiences. We should avoid any types of mistakes because it will decrease the organization’s reputation. Avoiding mistakes in our working process means, avoiding mistakes in our articles, press releases, etc. The sure way of how to do it is to know very well the different audiences and to express the information that satisfy you and your audiences on the same way. Therefore, public relations are not searching for the exclusive news, it is searching for the information that will satisfy as much as audiences will as possible. I want to share with you my observations regarding communications and to help avoiding different types of communication mistakes because I know how difficult is to build reputation, it takes a lot of time and effort to do it but sometimes it takes less than a minute to destroy it. I know how difficult is to rebuild the reputation. Sometimes it is easier to build a new brand than to rebuild it. Therefore, we have to think a lot when making decisions and we have to try to avoid any types of mistakes. I know that it is difficult because we are all people and we all make mistakes but nothing is impossible. I strongly believe that there is nothing possible if there is enough will to do it.
