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Ebook Details
  • 09/2022
  • 9781734724585 B0BBND1YMF
  • 306 pages
  • $13.99
Paperback Details
  • 09/2022
  • 9781734724578
  • 306 pages
  • $19.99
Hardcover Details
  • 09/2022
  • 9781734724561
  • 306 pages
  • $30.00
Ryan Kurr
The Black Hen
Ryan Kurr, author

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

Leo has cut a deal with the duplicitous Merlot to learn the presumably impossible art of bringing someone back from the dead in exchange for his blood. Ollie and Avery discover where the answer to restoring spiritual balance lies, while Mitch abandons the coven and returns home, only to find that he can’t outrun his past. As the hour to complete the Union of Divine Dualities draws near, Merlot tries to synthesize a substance that will widen her powers beyond witchcraft, to ensure a global monopoly through one of humankind’s most dangerous tools—politics. And as part of her plan, she aims to destroy witches around the world. Against her counsel, Leo attempts to summon an unpredictable spirit to aid in his quest, but the spirit can drain a witch of their power, and he accidentally sets it free. With the future of both humans and witches now at stake, the coven must use all they’ve learned to survive. Meanwhile the one who is pure of heart is charged with conjuring the mystifying black hen—the key to finding the rafkolite and reaching their prophesied goal. What was haunted becomes strength, what was old becomes new, and a world comes full circle.
—Laura O'Rourke, Witches Magazine

"The Black Hen is beautifully written, creative and imaginative. Its energy and pace will have you captivated right from the start. Kurr’s insight into human nature is taken to new depths through his character portrayal and the life choices these characters make. The attention to detail is absorbing. He is a master of the written word, his knowledge of witchcraft, and the human soul. An inspired end to a magical trilogy and powerfully thought-provoking. All three books are a must-read on everyone’s must-read list."

—Patrick English, Shamanic Practitioner

"A remarkably deep and accurate understanding of ritual magic, nature mysteries, generational trauma and ancestral power weaves deftly throughout Ryan’s writing. In this book, the culmination of the series, his characters confront their gifts in ways that any practitioner can relate to: messy and meaningful, harmful and hopeful, complex and courageous. Fighting dark adversaries, while wrestling the darkness within themselves, they learn that in the modern world of the witch, anything is possible."

—Sandra Szatkowski, owner of Merenwen's Runes

"With The Black Hen—Ryan Kurr's Esoteric Alchemy series is complete. He beautifully brings our beloved coven members full circle in his unique and magical way of telling their adventurous journey to create balance in the world and to find themselves."

—Sarah Day, author of Ora and the Old God

"A wonderfully imagined and gripping conclusion to the Esoteric Alchemy trilogy. The Black Hen is an intense ride rich with all the magic, character growth, and twists that make Kurr's books impossible to put down."

Ebook Details
  • 09/2022
  • 9781734724585 B0BBND1YMF
  • 306 pages
  • $13.99
Paperback Details
  • 09/2022
  • 9781734724578
  • 306 pages
  • $19.99
Hardcover Details
  • 09/2022
  • 9781734724561
  • 306 pages
  • $30.00
