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E-Book Details
  • 01/2015
  • 9781491756157
  • 284 pages
  • $$3.99
Soft Cover Details
  • 01/2015
  • 9781491756164
  • 284 pages
  • $$17.95

Imagine a humorous novel about a suicide who enters heaven and finds it not cosseting but a purgatory where life's distractions (food, booze, sex, Internet) are removed and the hardest question looms: Why did he kill himself? Welcome to the journey of Steven, an unintentionally funny male whiner, panicker, quitter, porn addict, and general screwup, as he struggles with God, Jesus, and self to escape Heaven's Suicide Ward and yet not return to the hell of earth. Reminiscent of Douglas Adams' delightful Hitchhiker series, Stevenson and Azad play this dilemma for all it's worth, creating ludicrous conversations that leave both Jesus and God mystified. US Review.

If you happen to find yourself on a difficult path and truly need to find a new way to examine your life, The Book of Steven may help you discover hope where there appears to be none, and offers a unique perspective for examining the universe in which we all choose to participate. Steven's message is that you do not have to simply be content to live in a world of personal despair, when the possibilities presented by the universe of life are truly boundless. Steven's journey is not an easy one to take, however, and for those of you who may not need to explore alternative perspectives for our world, or lack the stomach to bear witness to Steven's saga, you may want to devote your attention elsewhere.

E-Book Details
  • 01/2015
  • 9781491756157
  • 284 pages
  • $$3.99
Soft Cover Details
  • 01/2015
  • 9781491756164
  • 284 pages
  • $$17.95
