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Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • B0BJGQ9511
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Truant Memphis
The Boy Who Fell From The Past
An unusual coming of age tale, recounting a brief passage in a young man's life, The Boy Who Fell from the Past is a young adult, sci/fi action-adventure novella starring yours truly, Truant D. Memphis. Imbued with elements of literary fiction, the narrative explores themes of anti-violence and personal moral philosophy, but don’t let that scare you away. It’s also got hackneyed political commentary, time travel, absurdly impossible technology, underground cities, boats, and tons and tons of jokes. “Don’t zing your elders, boy.” That’s a punchline with no set up right there. I promise you’ll get the joke when you join Truant on this fast-paced jaunt through the future.
Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • B0BJGQ9511
  • pages
  • $
