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B.A. Sherman
The Chief and His Marine
B.A. Sherman, author
Too many fathers and mothers know the feeling of pride but also the dread that follows a son or daughter going off to war. And along with dread, when the worst you can imagine happens, there is sorrow...and anger. Sometimes there is more. Join author B.A. Sherman at his most stirring and shocking best as he imagines the horror of war from a parent’s view. This is a story of love, hatred and revenge so gripping and so true to life, it’s hard to tell where reality ends and frightening fantasy takes over. Told in both the quiet streets of the U.S. and the explosive sands of Afghanistan, The Chief and His Marine goes where few have gone…and written about the experience. ​But war is real and likely here to stay, he will tell you. Worth thinking about, and deciding what you might do if it were your son or daughter out there. Or you. These are the thoughts to grapple with in this story. They will make you hug your child a little tighter today, as you follow the Chief and Nick his Marine—just out of school and so proud to be serving his country—into the killing fields of hell.
Plot/Idea: 5 out of 10
Originality: 4 out of 10
Prose: 3 out of 10
Character/Execution: 4 out of 10
Overall: 4.00 out of 10


Plot: Sherman tells the story of a father and son who both serve in Afghanistan. Focused on imperfect families, war, and revenge, the story delivers a satisfying narrative arc.

Prose: Sherman capably captures a sense of place through vivid description, yet the prose is otherwise weakened by awkward and overly long dialogue, clunky sentence construction, and repetition.

Originality: Sherman's decision to focus on two generations of marines impacted by the same war is a novel one.

Character Development: Sherman's characters develop most significantly through moments of personal reflection, rather than through interactions and dialogue. Readers may not gain a clear sense of the protagonist beyond his quest for justice.

Date Submitted: April 05, 2018

Midwest Reviews

The Chief and His Marine crafts some real dilemmas and asks many hard questions, and making top reading for military novel enthusiasts looking for more overall philosophical and psychological depth than most such writings offer. 


Red Headed Book Lover Blog

The story of The Chief and His Marine is an incredibly dynamic, piece of work that took my breath away on more than one occasion. 

Self Publishing Review

The writing is gritty and authentic, with the dialogue between Marines striking sincere notes in almost every scene. This is not an assumption of what life would be like in Afghanistan, but rather an authoritative depiction, with details and moments that seem directly ripped from experience.

