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J. Schlenker
The Color of Cold and Ice
J. Schlenker, author
Sybil has dreams; the prophetic kind, although interpreting them correctly is another matter. Her latest dream involves her sister Emerald, who wants to pursue her art once more and move on with her life after losing her husband. John, once felt he was making a difference as an ER doctor, but finds himself slipping away in his Manhattan practice as well as in his marriage. Allison, John’s wife wants to change her ho hum existence with John into something spectacular. Mark, Allison’s brother, a struggling musician, wants to quit rambling in life and find his purpose. The cold changes everything.
The Page Turner

New Release: Book Review: The Color of Cold and Ice by J. Schlenker


  • Publication Date: July 20, 2016
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English

The Book Blurb:

Sybil has dreams; the prophetic kind, although interpreting them correctly is another matter. Her latest dream involves her sister Emerald, who wants to pursue her art once more and move on with her life after losing her husband. John, once felt he was making a difference as an ER doctor, but finds himself slipping away in his Manhattan practice as well as in his marriage. Allison, John’s wife wants to change her ho hum existence with John into something spectacular. Mark, Allison’s brother, a struggling musician, wants to quit rambling in life and find his purpose.
The cold changes everything.

About J. Schlenker:


J. Schlenker has been featured on my review blog before with her award-winning  Jessica Lost her Wobble. That was her first book and to me, they just keep getting better and better. You can read more about J. on her Amazon Author’s Page. She has several  more projects in progress. A  is a gifted writer.  I truly believe she has a very bright future.


My Rating:

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

My Review:


The Color of Cold and Ice by J. Schlenker is a vivid experience. It is not just reading a story it is tasting the meaning of colors and watching those colors spread out their fingers into many people’s lives.

People like Mark, the down and out musician who may be ready to put aside his guitar for a real job. If he only could. But he lives the music, even when the music has grown stagnant over the last year. There had to be inspiration out there. He needed to find his inspiration again.

People like Emerald. The woman that had lost her husband and was left with the love if her life, Chad. She loved the picture that hung in her son’s room. The picture that connected him to his father. She was so vividly painted by J. Schlenker, that you can see her creativity shining through the words.

The married couples reminded me how much work a marriage is. It also showed how exciting it can be when it is going right, and how much hope can play a part in making it right.. This book filled me with the warmth of the colors. I was touched on so many levels as to how hard life is and how wonderful it can be.

Oh my goodness, the characters are so colorful, as colorful as the cover and just as full of life. This book really is an enchanting story. Complete with the metamorphoses that take place in many of the characters lives. J has a unique vision in her writing and it shines through so well in her new book. The emotions are so strong in this book. you find yourself rooting for all the characters, especially when things seem so scary and uncertain. I enjoyed reading it so much. It has made me look at life, colors and happiness in a whole new way.


I can without a doubt recommend this to anyone that loves a good story about families, self-discovery, and self-improvement. This book is packed with art, wisdom,  and wonderful, well thrashed out people and places. Oh, the places you will go with this book! This book is spiritual and filled with new age concepts and just plain sweet romance. It is a book for everyone.

Where to Find The Color of Cold and Ice:

The Color of Cold and Ice by J. Schlenker is available in paperback and on Kindle. You can access them  both by clicking the link below.


