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Nicholas Foster
The Consul from Tunis and other ghost stories
Ghost stories for historians and ghost stories for the curious. Eight old university friends meet to tell haunting and uncanny tales from their lives. While their subtle ghost stories are more thoughtful than violent, they often bring the past into the present with a short, sharp shock. Ranging from the Baltic Sea to the Sudan and from 17th century London to 1950s Tibet, these sixteen strange stories are a blend of history and crime with the emphasis always on the characters and the lives that they lead.
'The Consul from Tunis and other ghost stories'

'The Consul from Tunis and other ghost stories' (ISBN 9798859421893) is available from Amazon, abebooks and from a few UK bookstores. 

An ebook version, 'Sixteen Ghost Stories', is available for free download from Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and elsewhere.

