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Hardcover Details
  • 02/2021
  • 979-8-6564-2585-7
  • 317 pages
  • $59.95
Dean Kropp
The Cooking Olympics
In 1896 when the modern Olympic games emerged to showcase the world’s top athletes, chefs around the globe were lighting the fires of a most delicious competition. Four years later, the result was the first-ever Cooking Olympics. This never-before-told history of the competition, including its controversies, triumphs, winners, and losers, is told by award-winning chef Dean Kropp, otherwise known as “Dean of Chefs.” His exciting book about a suspenseful competition where chefs from around the world compete to be the top chef and determine who will dominate the foodscape provides a fresh take on 20th century history in the culinary world. A great book for people who love cooking and who want to learn more about those who’ve mastered the culinary arts, The Cooking Olympics gives a worldwide perspective on innovations in the kitchen and glimpses the future of high-level cooking competitions.
Hardcover Details
  • 02/2021
  • 979-8-6564-2585-7
  • 317 pages
  • $59.95
