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The Day My Mother Died: A Mystery Novel
Jason Costa, author
An unspeakable tragedy leaves both of Jimmy Miller’s parents dead and Jimmy in juvenile detention. After his release, Jimmy puts miles, continents, and years between himself and his seemingly idyllic New Jersey hometown. Finally settled in Costa Rica, Jimmy is found by Dillon, his childhood best friend, and the two quickly fall back into old rhythms. At the airport, Dillon apologizes for what he thinks is his part in the death of Jimmy’s parents. Jimmy is stunned, but instead of assuring his friend that none of what happened was Dillon’s fault, Jimmy freezes, and Dillon turns to go. Three weeks later Hurricane Sandy turns their hometown into a disaster zone. Three weeks after that Dillon is murdered. Jimmy gets on a plane and goes home. He finds a town ready to lock up a childhood classmate for Dillon’s murder even though the crime itself makes no sense. A jailhouse visit convinces Jimmy the classmate is innocent and leaves him determined to find the real killer. In his search, he learns that old friends and neighbors have unimaginable secrets, and that even though he watched his mother die, he understood only a small part of what actually happened. But Dillon’s real killer?
