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N.B. Saltsman
The Devil's Trill
She devoted her life to studying demons. She never knew one of them was studying her. As a child, Kayla’s sister tried to scare her by showing her a horror movie about demons. Instead, it grew into a fascination, and then a career. Kayla now travels around the globe studying demonology and possession beliefs from every culture imaginable. Though enriching, her career has convinced her beyond a shadow of a doubt that demons aren’t real. Until she meets Elisa Watkins. Elisa’s possession is like nothing Kayla has ever seen before…and she’s seen everything. Kayla tries to believe that Elisa is simply faking for attention, a bid for her fifteen minutes of fame, but Kayla’s convictions start to waver the more time she spends in Elisa’s presence. Elisa knows things about Kayla’s past that she couldn’t possibly be able to know. And then there’s that haunting violin song… Shaken to her core, Kayla is desperate to find answers. But this demon, if he is real, might not be the deadliest threat that Kayla is facing...
